Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Charter of the Social Heretic

My Dear, Paragons of the Virtuous, Believers and the Faithful, 

I have reasons to believe that my uncontrollable atrocities, day in & day out, committed against the “Sacred Testament of SANE (Socially Acceptable Norms & Etiquttes)” are becoming painstakingly unbearable. Many of the well wishers have undertaken this colossal holy charge upon themselves to repudiate this evil out of my brain.

Being mindful of the far and few silently commending my misdeeds, who have warned me, warily, about the wraths of the self righteous that I invite upon myself, I have decided finally make some amends. 

I do solemnly admit to have sinned against my unadulterated knowledge by making myself cognizant of vile words like murder, rape (marital, gang and otherwise), prostitution, child molestation, eve-teasing, female infanticide, and others that were supposed to be kept hushed up even in the most desperate times. 

I have sullied my puritan education by talking and listening to transgenders and prostitutes, not to mention, I have never failed to make mention of these crimes unabashedly. I do apologize your graces for this blasphemy and beseech you to look kindly upon my un-lady like acts! 

It will be plain stupid of me not to apologize for my sailor’s worth of vocabulary that I make use of so very often. I know it makes you jump wretchedly in your seats to hear such words so bluntly out of the mouth of a socialite. Yes, it matters not where and when and for whom these curses fly out of my big mouth. It also doesn’t matter that these are uttered for the lack of any better word or adjective to qualify these acts and persons.  
Never mind it when you say it out of mere jest (read habit) to your fathers and brothers and peers! Surely it is a sign of a worldly man to talk about (the private parts of) other’s mothers and sisters in every second sentence. And the nobles have been severely wronged when I have publicly humiliated myself in making use of these words for the criminals of the aforementioned crimes (rape, murder, eve-teasing and so on). If only words could be called back and my tongue could be bridled! 

I understand that it’s very difficult for you to reconcile your modestly tamed self with the fact that my parents did a poor ass job in bringing me up. May be I was dropped a lot as a kid to have resulted in this misshapen atrophied taint on the ideal traits of womanhood! Yes, I was never taught to believe that whatever elders say is set in stone. My parents were misguided and deluded enough to instill in me this distressing habit to question almost everything under the sky and every matter that is swept underneath that ruddy over used carpet enjoyed grandly by our Ghairat Brigade! Please feel free to pray for my poor angels exhausting the divine resources in jotting down my repeated and relentless sins of originality! 

I am sorry for your ignorance or your blindsided approach for the problems too crude for your fancy drawing room discussions. I am human enough to focus on the things that lie outside the spheres of decency and morality. Yes I debate about the legal issues consisting of topics that should never concern a plain woman as me; like virtues of veil, a woman’s right to divorce, or the dowry, or haq mahar. I should confine my thoughts towards my utter submission and subjugation to my husband. My thoughts should be confined solely to the better devotion and dedication to my household affairs only!

Yes, your worst fears are rightly founded. I am credulous enough to believe that a woman’s place is much beyond that of the kitchen and the bedroom! I believe that a woman should earn a degree at par with her male counter parts, and should have the right to earn a respectful livelihood. I should also apologize for thinking that it should be a woman’s free choice and option to decide when to bear children, if any.  May the misogynist deliver my delusional state to better guidance! I have much to apologize for. 

Nowadays, it seems I have become totally unleashed over social media. I am sorry that I earned and paid for my own laptop and I afford my own internet service. It is also unforgivable that I manage my own blog, twitter and Face book pages. These outlets have become my weapon of choice for mocking and slaying the Sacred Testament of SANE (Socially Acceptable Norms & Etiquttes). For this, I rightly deserve the atonement that is dished out in my favor by those afflicted by my unholy ideas and words. 

I should also apologize for my audacity to declare that if you do not like what I post; u may simply block me; instead of going on and on about my mental and sexual health. Also I have led you to assume, discuss and debate the cause of all this mental illness. For instance, how I have been jilted and ditched by a poster boy. I have also given you reasons to believe that I am utterly unhappy, unsatisfied and frustrated in my life and I am in need of some good and persistent banging to put some sense into my ever so dense mind. I am sorry I have been dim-witted to decline your much offered services for the same. I apologize for putting severe blows to your egos and adding fuel to fire in this rumor factory of yours that is being run under the Sacred Testament of SANE for the moral benefit of the general masses! I totally understand that I have asked for it by my own words and attitudes and you are merely acting upon my own crafted witchery and stipulation. I am deserving of all this and I called out for it and I should apologize for the tarnishing of your saintly cleansed beings by my nuisance. 

Last but not in the least, there is the self appointed clergy who is dying of grief over the sorry state of affairs of my soul. I am sorry I haven’t begged you enough that please for the love of god; do not try to save my soul from the utter damnation that is doomed to. It was born an abomination and hence, so shall it fare in the Hades! I am sorry for not letting you earn your 72 heavenly virgins by letting you baptize my devil’s spawn soul that insists and fights against its own salvation! 

But in the end; you must excuse my unholy emancipation when I say that I am not at all sorry for any of the things above; never was, and never will be!  

I would also like to take this opportunity to bring to your knowledge that, fortunately I was mal-designed in the mind and thinking; and it will take more than this to bring my distasteful attitude a notch or more down! 

Also, I am beghairat enough to admit that my performance and forbearance is forever positively affected by all the “love” that you tirelessly and incessantly bestow upon me. 

Lastly, I affirm you that I have avowed afresh my commitment to my very own brand of sacrilegious profanity that I so blatantly pursue. 

Yours humbly, and truly (read unapologetic), 

The accursed denouncer of the Sacred Testament of SANE (Socially Acceptable Norms & Etiquttes)

And I remain at heart a devout, 

Social Heretic


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